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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day #1 How the Art and Discipline Actually Played Out

Everything I am  noticing right now is about how we do or don't go against ourselves. I watch how often I am making decisions out of guilt or what other people will think or what I think is expected of me. It is often so subtle, I don't notice it until after I have made the decision and am wondering to myself "how did I get here, in this uncomfortable spot?" Already I am here for a day and things are expected of me, things that I don't particularly want to do, and not even asked if I want to do them. When I ask to please be told if there are things on the agenda that I am expected at because there are things that I need to do to take care of myself, I am told, the agenda is the priority. I will have plenty of time to do the things that I need to do. This boils my blood. Because its a write off. It implies, oh you and all the things you need to do for YOU....I can feel it. And yet, no one seems to take any interest in how I am going about taking care of myself or if I am doing it adequately. Then I wonder why I come home in the first place and why I am breaking my bank to be here. So round and round we go, where we stop, nobody knows. But I do know that the more I sink into the power, wisdom, creativity, juiciness and joy, the more things in this life have a nice way of working out and aligning themselves.  For now, I have let go that this birth family can really offer that or support that, so I am doing what I have to do to make it through this visit.

Yesterday, I managed to get all the supplements in, have a super smoothie and eat pretty raw all day. I definitely need to eat more green things. I really feel in the past month with traveling, the holidays, my birthday, etc, I kind of fell down on the food side of things and on taking care of myself in general. I would like to get back on that horse in a serious way. It does begin to play into my control issues, especially around food, and all the anorexia stuff comes up, yes if I can control the food I can control my life is the subtle belief....If I can control my food, I can control my life.  This needs to be looked at over and over again.  I also have an eating for comfort gene, and when I am stressed I want to eat things that make me feel comforted. Forget about when I am PMS, then I want to eat anything in sight.  I did go to the organic store and buy a bunch of green vegetables to juice, frozen berries for smoothies and various things like coconut water and date rolls and almond butter. Those make for incredible snacks when the PMS is kicking in. But my mother has a nice candy dish on the dining room table of godiva chocolates, does she really have to put them there? I have only eaten one and thats the end of what I will eat. I can feel the discipline warrior in me that wants to lay down the law. And is fucking pissed that it doesn't seem that anyone in this supposed family supports me. In fact I find it incredibly ironic when I go out with friends who know what I am dealing with, that keep offering me sweets and things I obviously don't eat. Hello?

The rest of the day, I had planned to go to the gym, but at the last minute my girlfriend had offered a ticket to the Nutcracker, our towns production with all the kids in various outfits jumping around the stage and saying their lines with gusto. It was cute. I had performed on that stage, in school plays and in the nutcracker myself. There were memories. At the art center where it was I saw the courtyard where I had my first boy/girl dance and felt marijuana for the first time. (Will never forget that first moment of liberation) And then the room where I had taken ballet. But I couldn't help noticing that the kids looked like they were trying to be adults, that it seemed that they were putting on a show to please us. Smiling fakely and prancing around in this adult choreography. I hate to be so dark, but, it was kind of creepy in a way. A good metaphor for what I am going thru here, all the expectations society puts on us to be a certain way, to perform, to reach, everything Tyohar talks about, its like I could see thru the veil of the society for a minute and I couldn't really laugh and cheer about it. I want to see kids natural and pure and true to themselves, not aiming to keep up with everyone else and become some version of a person on TV. Ugh. I decided then and there, that my kids would never go to "regular" school. And I would never ask them to smile and wave or curtsy in any kind of ballerina skirt unless they really wanted to.  I did enjoy however, watching the kids come off the stage, looking for their parents without hiding it and getting so excited from seeing somebody they knew in the audience. Their little faces lighting up so pure and natural at the joy of seeing their families.

Later that night, still unable to fully meet my mother with an open heart, I leave for the grocery and the drug store, only to find I locked my keys in the car at the drugstore. I calmly called her and told her the news. I was suprised she handled it so well and got the neighbor to drive her over with the spare set. It softened things for us somehow, making me realize she can be cool about certain things and not raise a fuss.  Then later she said she was glad it happened because now she knows where the spare set is....I felt her trying to make good of a situation, knowing I probably was beating myself up about it, which I was for a quick minute. "God I am so spaced out, I need to be more in my body". Its funny how those supposed mistakes serve a broader picture...it did soften things, it forced me a bit out of my shell towards her. A bit. Miracles only happen in inches I suppose...And Until tomorrow.....again and again.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day #1::The Art and Discipline of Self Care Proclomation to the Universe

I must apologize for not writing more, I got into a rut, which is really no excuse, its really, if I will be honest, about laziness. Resistance. Procrastination.  And I feel this blog is about me sharing what is going on within, without and all around. I have also been going back and forth between NYC and California to be with my mother who is ill right  now with Stage 4 Lymphoma. So I return, only to have to leave again, buy another plane ticket and do it all over again. Its kind of exhausting, not to mention, emotionally draining, as my mother and I never really did get along and Cancer doesn't change the things I thought it would.  I also put a pause in my treatments, spend money that could be going to treatment stuff and debt and am surrounded by people who eat things I try not to be tempted by and smoke in the house.  I am quite aware life is testing me once again to stay true to myself, to balance the guilt, and the needs of others with my own and to step outside my own box of however I have constructed it.

And then there is the fact that even before cancer, I wasn't so great at taking care of myself, so now I have to take care of myself even better and now also her, deal with my brother and sister in law who really like to pull the guilt buttons and somehow, pay for it all, have energy for my work and stay positive as the negative emotions really fuck things up. All across the board, this is a test of major power, awareness, centeredness and connection to a higher power.  When I can approach it like that, I find an iron will. To make things work. I am here for 12 days, I will write on every single one at the end of the day or the morning after the day to give myself a focus point, healing and expression so I don't go crazy.  This will be my commitment. Even if it is only two words.....Like help me:) I will write something to surmise the day, reflect upon it, bolster myself back together and keep the creativity going as the best healing.

Now, I have decided that while I am here, I am going to do alot of yoga, eat impeccably and get some accupuncture and massage as well as sit in the sauna alot and read and write and work on my website, work on the women's gathering, exercise and do my taxes. I will stay busy, productive, moving and active. Using action as the medicine to overcome when things might get shakey or blow up in my face or feelings might arise that I have no seemingly power over. I will prevail. I will pull my energy IN, take a breath or two or three and I will think of something I can do that is positive and action oriented. Right now this is the Jedi path, I will not get sucked into my own fear, guilt, drama, negativity or toxicity or that of others. I will say YES and I will say NO. I will remove  myself from any situation that doesn't feel good to me. I will walk my own path without apology. I will help her with what she needs, which right now it feels like she is just fine actually, and I will cook and make healthy food to keep myself moving in a healthy direction and also helping her. I will go outside a lot and be with the elements, I will write alot and be with the creation angels. I will hang out with lovely friends outside this house and I will take deep breaths at every corner....I will make the time to go to a dance class and not feel guilty. Ay ya yai, the guilt demon.

So. This is the proclamation. More to come at the end of the day when I assess how much I stuck to that, just for today. Just for today, its only a day, day by day, moving forward in the best possible way I can. Gracias to all the angels, supporting that all around me, beside me, within me and in front of me. And I will let go of my need for her approval or my families, if I choose to take care of myself in ways they might never. Just for today. Oh dear lord, three things I pray. I cant even think about Xmas and how I am going to get thru that. Never mind that.  In love for now. And peace.